We all need a harsh reality check. Forget the silly statistics and the list of women who made it to the top. Look at the quality of life an average girl or woman has in our country.
*In a city like Delhi, a woman (especially young women and girls) face extreme harassment just walking on the streets and traveling in public transport. Do we have statistics of the frequency of sexual harassment and lewd remarks that she faces on her daily walk/travel to school/college/workplace? The whole society doesn't leave a stone unturned to pinch, rub, feel, maul her to submission and shows her her true place - 'inside' the house. How dare she step outside, that too without an escort!
*In a middle class home a girl is supposed to study, get good grades, do well professionally (read earn extra money to keep the house running, a sort of backup without ambition of a good career), learn to be a good host, learn to carry herself well, be a pleasing personality, cook well, clean well and the list goes on. I must say times have changed and things have improved much in his arena, but there are still few families who teach their girls to be as independent as the boys. Things like filling oil in cars, change a flat tyre, fix basic electronic stuff in the house, banking and most importantly manage their finances.
*Not many families teach their girls to be loud and stand up for themselves in the face of odds, or when they face any kind of discrimination, harassment or abuse. In fact they're still taught to be submissive and quiet. I know of many women who have had the strength to stand up for themselves but very, very few had families who encouraged them to begin with. Most families joined them later after an initial defiance, remained apathetic or are against the women for bringing shame to the family.
*How can these saas-bahu family sagas continue for ages on our television? Who watches them and why aren't women activists up in arms against them? The kind of images shown are nothing less than disgusting.
*The most appalling statistics are of domestic violence. More women die due to DV than soldiers in a war or victims of a bomb blast... When there is a war or bomb blast. These include professional women in management jobs, doctors, lawyers and sportswomen. There are dowry deaths and there are many more sociopaths on the prowl keeping an eye out for any sign of vulnerability in a woman. The upper strata and the sociopaths are conveniently ignored in all movements. Why is it such a taboo to speak up against a man who is abusing you? How does it matter that incidentally (and very unfortunately) he was married to you?
These are just a few points where we can start thinking. The list is too long and exhausting.
How do we change this?
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